Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (Microsoft Press)(X08-78517)(2002).bin
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Imports System.Reflection
Module MainModule
Sub Main()
' Get command-line arguments.
Dim args() As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
Dim cmd As String = Environment.CommandLine
Dim ty As Type
Dim mbrTypes As MemberTypes = MemberTypes.All
Dim mbrName As String = ""
Dim mi As MemberInfo
' If no arguments, /? or /help
If args.Length <= 1 OrElse args(1) = "/?" OrElse _
String.Compare(args(1), "/help", True) = 0 Then
' Show command-line syntax and exit.
Console.WriteLine("Command-line Type Browser - by Francesco Balena")
Console.WriteLine(" Syntax: typebrow typename [membername[*]]")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim i As Integer = args(1).IndexOf(","c)
If i < 0 Then
' Create the type as specified by first argument.
ty = Type.GetType(args(1), False, True)
' Create the assembly specified in the last part of the first argument
Dim asmname As String = args(1).Substring(i + 1)
Dim asm As [Assembly] = [Assembly].LoadWithPartialName(asmname)
' Get the type in the specified assembly.
ty = asm.GetType(args(1).Substring(0, i), False, True)
End If
If ty Is Nothing Then
' Exit if error.
Console.WriteLine("Unable to create type ""{0}""", args(1))
Exit Sub
End If
' If the user asked for a particular name.
If args.Length > 2 Then
' Retrieve the name
mbrName = args(2)
End If
' Get the list of member info to be displayed
Dim minfos() As MemberInfo = ty.FindMembers(mbrTypes, _
BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance Or _
BindingFlags.Static, _
AddressOf CustomMemberFilter, mbrName)
' Display information on all these members.
For Each mi In minfos
End Sub
' This is the custom filter for members.
' On entry filterCriteria holds the name of the member we're looking for.
' (Supports partial names with a trailing asterisk, as in "Repl*".)
Function CustomMemberFilter(ByVal m As MemberInfo, _
ByVal filterCriteria As Object) As Boolean
' Discard accessor methods for properties.
If m.Name.StartsWith("get_") Or m.Name.StartsWith("set_") Then
Return False
End If
' Get the search filter in uppercase.
Dim search As String = filterCriteria.ToString.ToUpper
If search = "" Then Return True
If search.EndsWith("*") Then
' If there is a trailing asterisk, checks for partial match.
If m.Name.ToUpper.StartsWith(search.Substring(0, search.Length - 1)) _
Then Return True
' Otherwise search for exact match.
If m.Name.ToUpper = search Then Return True
End If
End Function
' Return the syntax for a member (field, property, methods, event).
Function MemberDescription(ByVal mi As MemberInfo) As String
Dim res As String
' Different treatment for different types
Select Case mi.MemberType
Case MemberTypes.Field
' Fields: append As clause.
Dim fdi As FieldInfo = CType(mi, FieldInfo)
res &= NameDescription(mi, fdi.IsStatic) & _
Case MemberTypes.Property
' Properties: append parameter list and return type.
Dim pri As PropertyInfo = CType(mi, PropertyInfo)
res &= NameDescription(mi, False) & _
res &= VBTypeDescription(pri.PropertyType)
Case MemberTypes.Method
' Methods: append parameter list and return type.
Dim mti As MethodInfo = CType(mi, MethodInfo)
res &= NameDescription(mi, mti.IsStatic) & _
If Not (mti.ReturnType Is Nothing) Then
res &= VBTypeDescription(mti.ReturnType, True)
End If
Case MemberTypes.Constructor
' Constructor
Dim cti As ConstructorInfo = CType(mi, ConstructorInfo)
res &= NameDescription(mi, False) & _
Case MemberTypes.Event
' Events: append parameter list.
Dim evi As EventInfo = CType(mi, EventInfo)
' Get the type that corresponds to the underlying delegate.
Dim delType As Type = evi.EventHandlerType
Dim mi2 As MethodInfo = delType.GetMethod("Invoke")
res &= NameDescription(mi, False) & _
End Select
Return res
End Function
' Return a description for name.
' (Including Shared and member type description.)
Function NameDescription(ByVal mi As MemberInfo, ByVal IsStatic As Boolean) _
As String
Dim res As String
' Prefix with Shared if necessary
If IsStatic Then
res = "Shared "
End If
' Append member type, but distinguish between Sub and Function
If mi.MemberType <> MemberTypes.Method Then
' if not a method, we can simply use the Enum.Format method.
res &= [Enum].Format(mi.MemberType.GetType, mi.MemberType, "G") & " "
Dim meth As MethodInfo = CType(mi, MethodInfo)
If meth.ReturnType.Name = "Void" Then
res &= "Sub "
res &= "Function "
End If
End If
' Append name and return to caller.
If mi.MemberType = MemberTypes.Constructor Then
' Visual Basic constructors are named "new"
res &= "New"
' A non-constructor element.
res &= mi.Name
End If
Return res
End Function
' Return the description for a list of parameters.
Function ParamListDescription(ByVal pinfos() As ParameterInfo) As String
Dim res As String = "("
Dim i As Integer
' Iterate over all parameters.
For i = 0 To pinfos.GetUpperBound(0)
' Append description for this parameter.
res &= ParamDescription(pinfos(i))
' Append a comma if this isn't the last argument.
If i < pinfos.GetUpperBound(0) Then res &= ", "
' Close the parenthesis and return to caller.
Return res & ")"
End Function
' Return a description for a single parameter.
Function ParamDescription(ByVal pi As ParameterInfo) As String
Dim res As String
Dim pt As Type = pi.ParameterType
' Start with Optional if necessary.
If pi.IsOptional Then res = "Optional "
' Append ByVal or ByRef.
If pt.IsByRef Then
res &= "ByRef "
res &= "ByVal "
End If
' Append the parameter name.
res &= pi.Name
' Append the type, but convert it to VB syntax.
res &= VBTypeDescription(pt)
' Append the default value, if there is one.
If pi.IsOptional Then
' Enclose the default value within quotes if it is a string.
If pt Is GetType(System.String) Then
res &= " = """ & pi.DefaultValue.ToString & """"
res &= " = " & pi.DefaultValue.ToString
End If
End If
' Return to the caller.
Return res
End Function
' Return a parameter type in VB-friendly format.
Function VBTypeDescription(ByVal ty As Type, _
Optional ByVal PostfixArrayMarks As Boolean = False) As String
Dim res As String
' Get the return type as a string.
res &= ty.Name
' Drop trailing "[]" pair, is there is one.
If res.EndsWith("[]") Then
res = res.Substring(0, res.Length - 2)
End If
' Drop trailing *, if there is one.
If res.EndsWith("*") Then
res = res.Substring(0, res.Length - 1)
End If
' Adjust for VB-friendly names.
Select Case res
Case "Int16"
res = "Short"
Case "Int32"
res = "Integer"
Case "Int64"
res = "Long"
Case "Void"
' this is the type "returned" by Sub
Return ""
End Select
' Append "AS" and "()" if this is an array.
If Not ty.IsArray Then
res = " As " & res
ElseIf PostfixArrayMarks Then
' Append trailing () pair.
res = " As " & res & "()"
' Prefix leading () pair.
res = "() As " & res
End If
' Return to the caller.
Return res
End Function
End Module